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Liability Insurance for Federal Employees and Contractors

Federal Government Shutdown Will Not Affect FEDS Coverage

Dear FEDS Members:

While we are relieved that the federal government has re-opened for the time being, we understand the uncertainty that lies ahead and want to assure you that we still have your back. 

Click here to read a Message from FEDS President regarding current affairs.


In the wake of the shutdown, we have received numerous calls from members who are concerned about the continuity of their PLI coverage. While automated renewal notices have continued to be sent out as scheduled, we want to assure you that your coverage will remain in force regardless of if there is a delay in renewal or lapse in payment as a result of the shutdown. 

For more information regarding continuity of coverage, please refer to the following links based on the payment method you currently utilize:

We stand behind federal employees in these trying times and hope that the government's re-opening is permanent, with as little disruption to you as possible. We truly appreciate your business and will continue to provide the excellent service that you deserve.

If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at 866.955.FEDS or email us at


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