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Liability Insurance for Federal Employees and Contractors

Important Notice to FEDS PLI Members with Payroll Deduction:

As the effects of the federal government shutdown continue, we have received numerous calls from members who are enrolled through payroll deduction concerned about the continuity of their PLI coverage during the period in which we were not receiving payments.

Rest assured that we are in this with you and are honoring all payroll deduction policies—your policy remains in full force despite the shutdown. We are hoping that the government will remain open and that all missed payments will be received shortly. If the government reintroduces the shutdown, or payment is not properly received once payroll resumes as normal, we will contact you with instructions regarding missed payments to ensure continuous coverage.

Finally, we want to take this opportunity to tell you that we stand behind federal employees in these trying times and recognize the personal hardships that this shutdown is having on you. We truly appreciate your business and will continue to provide the excellent service that you deserve. If you have any questions or concerns, please call us at 866.955.FEDS.

Thank you and best regards,

Anthony F. Vergnetti, President
Federal Employee Defense Services, Inc.

A division of StarWind Specialty