Liability Insurance for Federal Employees and Contractors

Federally Deputized Special Agent
Professional Liability Insurance

As a Federally Deputized Special Agent, you are vulnerable to the very same allegations and lawsuits as federal law enforcement officers. These lawsuits, commonly referred to as 1983 actions against state and local LEO's (and Bivens actions against federal agents) usually involve a claim of an alleged violation under the Fourth Amendment claiming an unlawful search or seizure or some other constitutional tort (i.e., 1st, 5th or 8th Amendment violations) arising out of an enforcement action.

Liability insurance often becomes necessary when there is a major event, operational event, or one that results (or is alleged to result) in safety concerns, public alarm, injury, death, oversight or a security vulnerability or breach - especially with media attention or political involvement. Without proper protection in place, it is cost prohibitive for federally deputized special agents to defend against a decision, action or inaction  – even if you are ultimately vindicated.

The good news is you are eligible for the very same protection as federal law enforcement officers - at the very same price.

As the #1 most recommended provider by federal law enforcement associations, FEDS understands the unique circumstances that only agents who deal with potentially dangerous individuals can truly appreciate. This type of workplace unfortunately results in an environment that makes even the best officers vulnerable to lawsuits. Contact us for information on how our liability coverage interacts with such laws and concepts as the Federal Torts Claims Act, Absolute and Qualified Immunity Doctrines, common law and constitutional torts and how these concepts affect your exposures and potential liability as a federally deputized special agent.

With FEDS Protection:

You are appointed your own personal attorney to defend against work related allegations, claims and lawsuits. The FEDS professional liability policy provides coverage for Administrative & Disciplinary Matters, Personal Capacity Lawsuits / 1983 Actions, and Criminal Investigations that you could be subjected to while performing your job.

The FEDS policy is underwritten and issued on a group basis by FEDS Protection through the Public Employees Purchasing Group (PEPG) domiciled in Washington, DC. As such, Insured members become members of the PEPG, entitling you to group rates and subject to master policy aggregates, terms and conditions.


FEDS Protection is Affordable:

$1,000,000 Policy: $290*

$2,000,000 Policy: $390*

* Plus applicable taxes and administrative fees

Have questions? Call us at 866.955.FEDS.


Please see the Master Policy for complete policy terms and conditions.



A division of StarWind Specialty