Liability Insurance for Federal Employees and Contractors

Military Police Officer PLI

Often working alongside federal law enforcement officers, you have similar professional liability exposures. For this reason, federal employee professional liability insurance is now available to military police officers – and at the same price as federal law enforcement officers.

Liability insurance often becomes necessary when there is a major event, enforcement operation, or incident that results (or is alleged to result) in safety concerns, public alarm, injury, death, oversight or a terrorism vulnerability breach.

Our attorneys know and understand the Uniform Code of Military Justice and courts-martial proceedings and are experienced in handling military cases.
FEDS Professional Liability Coverage:

Civil Suits: FEDS pays up to 1 or 2 million dollars of legal defense and indemnity protection (depending on the policy you choose) in the event you are sued and found liable for a personal capacity lawsuit.

Administrative & Disciplinary Matters: FEDS pays for legal defense up to $200,000 for any disciplinary or judicial sanction proceeding, or administrative investigation arising out of any act, error or omission while rendering within the scope of duties.

Criminal Investigations: FEDS pays for legal defense up to $100,000 for any criminal proceeding or investigation into any act, error or omission while rendering within the scope of duties.

FEDS PLI Limits of Liability & Annual Premium:
  • $1,000,000 Limit; $290 per year plus Surplus Lines Tax
  • $2,000,000 Limit: $390 per year plus Surplus Lines Tax

FEDS Optional HR218 LEOSA Liability Coverage:

FEDS LEOSA Coverage is also now available to Military Police Officers in addition to FEDS PLI. FEDS optional LEOSA coverage provides civil coverage for Military Police Officers for any "legal and justified act”, error or omission while protecting themselves, their families, or others from criminals and terrorists under the Law Enforcement Officer Safety Act of 2004 and the LEOSA Improvement Act of 2010. While these Acts allow qualified law enforcement officers to act, they do not shield from civil and criminal liability exposure. Civil exposure becomes a concern if the officer is found acting outside of scope, outside of the interest of the U.S. to defend, and/or outside of military LEOSA authority for off-duty incidents. The coverage was developed with the help of LEOSA expert attorneys who defended active officer LEOSA situations, to fill the LEOSA civil exposure gaps similar to the on-duty civil liability gaps.

While we carefully designed this optional coverage to protect you and highly recommend it for all federal and military officers, only you can determine if it is something you need. Factors to consider include:
  • Your department’s off duty authorization;
  • How and when you carry when off-duty or not on assignment; and
  • How and when you would involve yourself in a particular situation, i.e., if it is within your department’s authority to defend yourself/others while off duty, or otherwise act to prevent loss of life or serious injury to others.
Both options are available in addition to our PLI policy.

LEOSA Limits of Liability & Annual Premium
  • $500,000/$50,000/$25,000 for $150 + SL tax
  • $250,000/$50,000/$25,000 for $100 + SL tax

Questions? Need Help? Please call us at (866) 955-FEDS or contact us online.

For more information, please refer to the FEDS Master Insurance Policy.

A division of StarWind Specialty