Liability Insurance for Federal Employees and Contractors


This is a comparison for federal employee professional liability insurance. If you are a federal contractor or are looking for a product other than federal employee PLI, please visit our products overview.

Most federal employee professional liability insurance policies, like FEDS, are secured and underwritten by an A.M. Best "A" (Excellent), Financial Size Category XV rated insurance carrier; and the core liability protections offered are basically the same - $1,000,000, $2,000,000 or $3,000,000 of indemnity protection for civil suits, $200,000 for administrative defense, and $100,000 for criminal defense; a "tail” or "36 month extended reporting period” providing civil protection for up to three years after service; and worldwide protection important to those employees serving outside of CONUS or otherwise in international posts of duties.

How is FEDS Different?

  • FEDS is a U.S.-based company with benefits secured by a U.S.-based insurance company.
  • Legal Representation for Civil Matters is Not Capped by Sublimits. Unlike some carriers, the full $1,000,000, $2,000,000 or $3,000,000 liability limits for civil protection are separate and distinct and not subject to the defense limits of the administrative and criminal provisions.
  • Superior Legal Defense. This is one of the most important differences between the FEDS program and others. The quality of legal representation and counsel that you can expect as a FEDS member is one of the main reasons the leading federal employee associations endorse us. Our panels of law firms have over 30 years of specific experience in representing federal employees. Shaw, Bransford & Roth leads our panel, providing representation on a wide range of employment law and federal personnel issues. For civil and criminal matters, as well as conflicts and other case specific circumstances, FEDS calls upon Schertler and Onorato, LLP, MoloLamken LLP, and others whose experience and expertise is necessary to handle these matters.
  • Coverage is included for managers facing employee allegations of harassment, discrimination, retaliation, and wrongful termination. Unlike similar policies, the FEDS policy does not charge additional premium or require you to purchase additional endorsements for Employment Practices Liability claims in order to defend you in the event you are accused of these allegations.
  • Coverage is included for employees serving outside of CONUS or in other international posts of duties. At no additional cost.
  • Coverage Counsel. Unlike some carriers, FEDS will appoint, in certain cases, coverage counsel prior to DOJ’s determination of scope and interest. Having your own attorney advocating on your behalf is very important during this decision process.
  • No Delay of Reporting Denial. Unlike some carriers, FEDS will not decline your claim if you choose to get advice or counseling from FLEOA or other association legal counsel and then need to invoke your policy benefits.
  • FEDS offers a payroll deduction payment option in addition to standard payment methods.
  • Pro Rata Refund Available. FEDS gives pro rata refunds for members who retire or otherwise leave federal service. Other providers do not give comparable refunds.
  • Commitment and Know-How. FEDS President and Founder is a former federal attorney who has continually demonstrated his understanding of and commitment to the entire federal community.


  FEDS Protection is Affordable:

$1,000,000 Policy:  $290*

$2,000,000 Policy:  $390*

$3,000,000 Policy:  $490*

* Plus applicable taxes and administrative fees

Payroll deduction is available, starting at $12 per pay period.


HR-218/LEOSA Coverage Available for Federal Law Enforcement Officers.

Managers, supervisors, and law enforcement officers are eligible for agency reimbursement of up to 50% of the PLI premium cost.


Questions? Need Help?

Please call us at (866) 955-FEDS or contact us online.

A division of StarWind Specialty