Professional liability exposures vary depending on the agency's mission and your responsibilities within the agency. The potential liabilities that exist and the reasons for obtaining PLI are oftentimes different and sometimes multifaceted. Professional exposures are based on the type of job you have, the position you hold, your employing agency and current events.
If you are performing the following functions for your agency, you have increased professional exposure:
- Providing law enforcement or security
- Protecting our nation's security and/or working in the intelligence community
- Managing or supervising employees
- Making decisions on public policy or in the interest of the public
- Working directly with the public
- Providing HR functions
- Obligating and administering funds or contracts
- Providing medical, financial or other professional services
- Working for a regulatory agency (EPA, FAA, FTC, FDA, NRC, SEC, CPSC, etc.)
Contact us for exposure specific information.