Professional Liability Insurance and Eagle

PLI Application for Active Federal Employees/Officers

If you currently have coverage through FEDS, please log in here.

To start your application, please select a Coverage Option.
Liability Limits  $1,000,000 Limit

$1,000,000 Civil Suit Legal Defense & Indemnification Limit;
$200,000 Administrative Legal Defense Expense Limit;
$100,000 Criminal Legal Defense Expense Limit;

 $2,000,000 Limit

$2,000,000 Civil Suit Legal Defense & Indemnification Limit;
$200,000 Administrative Legal Defense Expense Limit;
$100,000 Criminal Legal Defense Expense Limit:

 $3,000,000 Limit

$3,000,000 Civil Suit Legal Defense & Indemnification Limit;
$200,000 Administrative Legal Defense Expense Limit;
$100,000 Criminal Legal Defense Expense Limit:

Which limit is right for me?

Selecting the right limit is difficult because you are trying to predict the magnitude of an event that may (or may not) happen. The best practice approach should include consideration of your exposure and the cost of defense. 
  1. If you are a federal employee or personal services contractor, analyze your exposure. Are you a manager, law enforcement officer, director, program manger, political, contracting officer, or someone who is responsible for making decisions in the best interest of the public? If so, you are more likely to be pulled into a civil suit (Bivens action or personal capacity suit), or be sued individually yet along with other employees, where DOJ may deny representation. (The $1,000,000, $2,000,000, and $3,000,000 federal employee policies provide you with an attorney to defend AND pay damages if you are found liable and the agency will not indemnify.)
  2. Understand what is meant by civil suit "defense costs”. The defense attorney representing you is critical – and at $400+ per hour for the good ones experienced in federal law – is also very expensive. Unlike other companies, the legal representation for civil suits provided by FEDS is not capped by administrative sublimits of the policy. We provide experienced, knowledgeable, tenacious counsel to defend you all the way up to the $1,000,000, $2,000,000, or $3,000,000 limit of the policy.  (For federal employees or personal services contractor, each $100 in additional premium provides you with $1,000,000 in additional civil defense/indemnification).

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(Please use a non-government email, if possible.)

8-15 Characters with 1 Capital Letter, 1 Number, 1 Special Character (!,$,^,*,%)
Password must be at least 8 characters, and contain one capital letter, one number, and one special character (e.g., ^,!,#,$,%)



A division of StarWind Specialty