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Liability Insurance for Federal Employees and Contractors

FEDS September 2024 Newsletter 

Congressional Scrutiny Shows Why Task Force Officers Need Professional Liability Insurance

What is a federal task force? 

Federal departments, such as the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF), the Drug Enforcement Administration (DEA), the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI), and the U.S. Marshals Service (USMS), oversee hundreds of federal task forces across the country. These departments partner with state, local, territorial, and tribal law enforcement to fill positions on task forces working to combat violent crime, stem the flow of illegal narcotics, and arrest dangerous fugitives. 

Why are task forces being reviewed?

In March 2024 Senator Jon Ossoff, D-GA, submitted a letter to the Government Accountability Office (GAO) requesting the agency open a review of how the Justice Department oversees federal task forces. Senator Ossoff’s letter specifically calls into question oversight measures for state and local law enforcement officers deputized as special federal officers while working on task forces. 

When will GAO’s investigation begin?

GAO has confirmed the agency accepted Senator Ossoff’s request and will begin an in-depth examination into federal task forces within the next few months. Task force officers may be subject to increased scrutiny, calls for accountability, and accompanying disciplinary action. While state and local officers working on federal task forces may be deputized with the same federal powers as federal law enforcement officers, that also means they have the same vulnerabilities. It is crucial that task force officers have the tools to protect themselves – FEDS Protection can help. 

Who is eligible for FEDS PLI?

Like federal law enforcement officers, federal task force officers are eligible for professional liability insurance (PLI) from FEDS Protection. If you are a federal law enforcement officer, you know how important it is to be able to perform your duties without fear that doing so will result in lawsuits and investigations that cost you your job or your savings. Through reimbursement directives and agency benefits education, federal employees on task forces have information about PLI that their state and local federally deputized task force officers may not:  telling your fellow officers about their available coverages can help ensure that your team is protected.

Where can task force officers obtain PLI coverage?

FEDS Protection provides task force officers the same coverage as federal law enforcement officers, at the same price. FEDS offers task force officers PLI policies with $1 million or $2 million in civil liability protection for attorney’s fees and indemnity costs in the event you are sued in your civil capacity.  The FEDS policy also includes $200,000 of legal representation coverage per incident for administrative actions and $100,000 of coverage for criminal defense costs.  Annual premiums for FEDS Protection PLI start at just $290.  To learn more about how a FEDS PLI policy can protect you and your career, visit or call (866) 955-FEDS, M-F 8:30am-6pm.

*This article is provided for informational purposes only and does not constitute legal advice.

Are You Leaving Federal Service and Considering Government Contracting?

If yes, consider FEDS Protection for your government contracting insurance needs. At FEDS Protection, we also support Federal Contractors by providing insurance coverage specifically tailored to meet the unique needs of today's federal contractors, including Professional Liability, Defense Base Act Insurance, and Foreign Liability coverage.  In our experience, many small businesses need assistance in navigating the insurance portion of a government RFP.

The federal government is our specific focus and area of expertise. If you are looking to review your current or upcoming insurance needs, including the unique insurance requirements of any contract involving civilian employees overseas (requiring DBA Insurance and Foreign Liability coverage) please contact us at 866-955-FEDS (3337) or

Inclusion in Action

FEDS Protection wants to celebrate those who work together from diverse backgrounds that move our country forward. These efforts are not and cannot be made alone. They are completed each day with empathy, energy, and intentionality. While some moments can be awkward, small wins can be awesome.  Regardless, each inclusive action is worth the effort. 

We hope each of you can play a small part in the path toward progress and continue to do so in your own way. We will continue to stand with you in this effort every step of the journey.


"You already know that FLEOA’s legal assistance and representation are only a phone call away. What you might not know is that you also need the protection of a professional liability policy. FLEOA worked with the DOJ and other associations to get the legislation passed so your agency would pay for half the premium – because you need it – for civil suits aka Bivens actions, as well as potential criminal investigation. I recommend FEDS for every FLEOA member.”
- Lawrence Berger, Esq., FLEOA General Counsel

Radio & Webinars

Contact us if you or your agency are interested in a webinar or brochures that provide federal employees best practices on how to protect themselves with a federal employee professional liability insurance policy like the one offered by FEDS Protection. This benefit is so important, it could be partially reimbursed for many federal employees!

FEDS On the Road
     o U.S. Marshals Service Association Conference (Savannah, GA)
     o Association of Certified Background Investigators (Rockville, MD)
     o 43rd FAAMA Convention and Managing the Skies Expo (Orlando, FL)
     o NAFV Annual Meeting (Nashville, TN)
     o WIFLE Julie Y. Cross Memorial Golf Tournament (Milton, DE)
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