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Liability Insurance for Federal Employees and Contractors

May Memorials

May is a special month for those in public service across the country, as our nation annually recognizes both Public Service Recognition Week and National Police Week. May 7th marked the beginning of Public Service Recognition Week. This event has been celebrated the first week of May since 1985 to honor the people who serve our nation as federal, state, county, local, and tribal government employees. The spirit of this tradition is to inspire new generations of civil servants and to encourage the public to build a stronger connection to government. 
Established by a joint resolution in 1962, President Kennedy proclaimed the week of May 15th as National Police Week. This event is a collaborative effort of many organizations dedicated to honoring America’s law enforcement community. Throughout the week there were many opportunities to honor the law enforcement officers who have sacrificed so much to protect their communities and this country. Events for the week ranged from a memorial bike ride to a candlelight vigil, as well as sessions for surviving family members to navigate their grief journey and an opportunity to place a flower in memory of a fallen officer.
As the leading provider of professional liability insurance for federal employees, FEDS Protection is proud to support federal employees and to be a part of the larger federal community. Federal employees provide the services we as a country depend on. We know well the daily sacrifices and struggles our federal law enforcement officers face. They regularly put themselves in harm’s way to keep everyone else safe. We are proud to express our appreciation and gratitude for all those in public service and law enforcement and help recognize Public Service Recognition Week and National Police Week. It’s indeed our honor to serve their community by meeting their insurance needs. 

Inclusion in Action

FEDS Protection wants to celebrate those who work together from diverse backgrounds that move our country forward. These efforts are not and cannot be made alone. They are completed each day with empathy, energy, and intentionality. While some moments can be awkward, small wins can be awesome.  Regardless, each inclusive action is worth the effort. 
We hope each of you can play a small part in the path toward progress and continue to do so in your own way. We will continue to stand with you in this effort every step of the journey.

Radio, Webinars & Events

The FEDS team hosted a two-part series on Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) for federal employees on Federal News Network and presented a webinar on PLI to the Environmental Protection Agency. The links to the radio show are included below. Please share with a colleague and learn why Professional Liability Insurance is essential for personal and professional peace of mind! This benefit is so important, it could be partially reimbursed for many federal employees!


  • Webinar: Professional Liability Insurance for EPA Professionals
  • FEDS Protection on FEDTalk explaining Professional Liability Insurance in a 2-part series
  • National Council of Social Security Management Association’s (NCSSMA) Regional Meeting (Chandler, AZ)


  • Webinar: Professional Liability Insurance for Federal Executive Institute Alumni Association (FEIAA) Members
  • Webinar: Professional Liability Insurance for Professional Women Controllers (PWC) Members
  • 2023 Navy Contracting Summit (Virginia Beach, VA)
  • National Association of Credit Specialists (NACS) 50th National Convention (Omaha, NE)


"I served as a senior executive with the FAA for 24 of my 33 years of public service and strongly recommend that all supervisors, managers and senior executives have the FEDS Professional Liability insurance as their trusted partner. Public service is a wonderful experience, but having FEDS Professional Liability insurance as a partner is critical. Leadership requires risk taking and making difficult decisions that often create controversy and conflict that can adversely affect your successful career(…)”

-Tom Accardi
(Former Director, Aviation System Standards)

A division of StarWind Specialty