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Liability Insurance for Federal Employees and Contractors

FedAdvantage | Supplemental Disability Insurance for Federal Employees

For quotes, questions, or more information regarding FedAdvantage's programs,
call 1-866-973-6605 or visit

Your employer offers two types of protection; leave and disability retirement. While at first glance these programs may appear to provide adequate disability protection – THEY DON'T.

Your leave and disability are separate and don’t work together. Qualifying for one doesn’t mean you’ll qualify for the other; therefore, there is no set timetable to gauge when benefits begin, end, or how long the benefits will pay out.

FEDS has partnered with FedAdvantage to offer supplemental disability insurance designed to "fill the gaps" in your leave and disability retirement. All Federal Civilian Employees, except Postal Workers (USPS employees), can enroll in group Short Term Disability (STD) and Long Term Disability (LTD) to supplement your leave and disability retirement programs and fill the gaps in your benefits. Supplemental disability insurance is not intended to duplicate or replace your current benefits, but rather to fill the gaps and make them more complete.

Underwritten by The Standard, FedAdvantage offers a choice of three programs intended to meet the needs of all federal employees. Please note: USPS employees are not eligible for the program.

1. Short-Term Disability (STD) Insurance
2. Long-Term Disability (LTD) Insurance, and a
3. Combination of both (short and long term disability) insurance plans.


A division of StarWind Specialty