Liability Insurance for Federal Employees and Contractors

Whistleblower Reprisal Cases

Whistleblower reprisal cases have increased six-fold in the last few years. Although most whistleblower reprisal cases are unsubstantiated, it is very easy to make targets of federal managers.  More and more managers, supervisors and law enforcement officials are accused of and investigated for some allegation at some point in their careers. After all, our system allows baseless allegations to be made usually without consequence to the accuser.  In what may become a super-charged environment, an agency lawyer may be assigned to assist you in an OSC or EEO investigation but this attorney represents the government’s interests, not yours as an individual employee, and the agency attorney may advance a position adverse to yours
If you are directly accused, particularly in an OIG or internal affairs investigation, you will be on your own to hire an attorney to defend yourself in the investigation and internal disciplinary processes.  It can easily cost $10,000 to $25,000 to defend yourself in an OIG, OSC, EEO, congressional, or management investigation.  To take your case to the Merit Systems Protection Board (MSPB), expect to spend $30,000 to $100,000 if you do not have professional liability insurance.  

Most managers obtain FEDS Protection because of the administrative defense coverage which allows federal managers to defend against any administrative investigation resulting from a professional service.  FEDS Protection is endorsed by the leading federal executive and manager associations.  

You are eligible for reimbursement for up to half the cost of this insurance.  Is peace of mind worth $150 (after reimbursement) to you? It certainly will be if you are the next target.

The application process takes five minutes. Enroll online at or over the phone at 866-955-FEDS. 
A division of StarWind Specialty