Managers often think of liabilities in terms of being the deciding official for an applicant or being brought in for a congressional hearing and seem to overlook the many other exposures they are prone to in their position each day with their employees. As a manager, you must be a visionary, planner, organizer, mediator, and enforcer throughout your daily responsibilities and interactions with your colleagues, especially as your Agency has entrusted you to uphold its missions and objectives. To do so, you must act as the go-between of the Agency, the collective, and the individual. While the job has its rewards, it is not without its shortcomings.
As a Federal manager you are constantly under the spotlight. From the way you greet your colleagues in the morning to how you determine who gets which projects, your actions and interactions are gauged by those you work with and report to you. While having to wear the many faces required of your position, this can generate friction between coworkers or even between you and someone who reports to you. If tension escalates to the extent that an allegation is made against you, are your prepared for the costs, monetary and otherwise, to defend yourself?
With FEDS Protection, you can rest assured that you will have exceptional legal services to ensure you are cared for in the event of an allegation against you. FEDS’ professional liability insurance provides you with your own attorney to advise, defend, and litigate on your behalf. For only $145 a year for federal managers (after the agency reimbursement), FEDS is a vital component to your financial plan and defense against allegations.
If you are a current member, you have already made the important decision to protect yourself with FEDS professional liability insurance. However, for those who have not taken this step, we encourage you to give FEDS Protection a call to learn about what professional liability insurance entails. To find out more information, please call 866-955-FEDS (3337) or visit our website at
Annual Cost with Payroll Deduction Available:
$1,000,000 Policy; $295 or $145 after agency reimbursement for managers
$2,000,000 Policy; $395 or $145 after agency reimbursement for managers
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FEDS does not charge an extra $100 to cover EPLI type claims – and is endorsed by the leading federal executive and manager associations.
Enrollment takes less than 5 minutes:
• Call us Monday – Friday 8:30am – 6pm EST at 866.955.FEDS