FEDS Protection Newsletter

 March 2022



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Federal LEOs Need PLI: Watch Video to Learn Why






"I have seen first-hand in my representation of hundreds of law enforcement officials how having experienced, tenacious, and objective legal counsel has saved a career even in cases of what you think is a "minor” matter. Having objective and experienced legal counsel to deal with federal matters is simply cost prohibitive. It’s remarkable to be able to purchase through an insurance policy that kind of protection as well as the protection for payments of personal judgments if you are sued. If you are engaged in any law enforcement or homeland security function, you have to ask yourself if you are willing to gamble your life savings when you can so readily purchase an affordable safety net.”


Debra L. Roth


Shaw Bransford & Roth P.C.




FEDS Protection News


FMA Convention Recap


"This March, FEDS Protection was proud to continue its 14-year partnership with the Federal Managers Association (FMA) by sponsoring and attending FMA’s 84th National Convention. The convention, held in Alexandria, VA, was a welcome opportunity for FEDS to re-connect with FMA members in person. The FMA delegates were able to hear from a lineup of outstanding speakers, including Kiran Ahuja, Director of the Office of Personnel Management. After the convention, FEDS looks forward to opportunities to present informational webinars about PLI for FMA chapters across the country—if you have interest in scheduling a webinar, please contact us at feds@fedsprotection.com.”




Watch our Law Enforcement Liabilities Webinar Here: 
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