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Liability Insurance for Federal Employees and Contractors

Professional Liability Insurance for
Federal Probation & Pre-Trial Officers


"We at the Federal Probation and Pretrial Officers Association believe Professional Liability Insurance (PLI) is vitally important. It is a safeguard no officer should be without as it provides important protection and comfort so we can perform our duties as U.S. Probation and Pretrial Officers with peace of mind. In my experience, the process is easy and the personnel at FEDS Protection are always courteous, helpful, and professional. "

- Jacqueline Carroll, National President, FPPOA

Regardless of position, years of service, or capability, no officer in the Federal Probation and Pretrial Services is immune to allegations of wrongdoing. Allegations can be made by anyone, including defendants, a subordinate or co-worker, or special interest groups. With the inordinate workload that many Probation and Pretrial Services officers are facing, the chances of making an error or omission leading to such an allegation is high. These exposures leave Federal Probation and Pretrial Officers vulnerable to investigations and/or civil lawsuits related to actions and decisions made in the course and scope of your employment.

If an allegation is made against you, it is a necessity, not luxury, to have knowledgeable and effective counsel advocating on your behalf. Your agency attorney is not your attorney. It is the job of the agency attorney to defend the agency – not you. Especially because of the unique relationship between Federal Probation and Pretrial Services officers and the U.S. Courts, you need to have counsel that has specific experience representing members of the Federal Probation and Pretrial Services.



FEDS Protection can essentially be separated into three categories, protecting against the Civil, Administrative, and Criminal exposures of Probation and Pretrial Officers:


Lawsuits against Probation and Pretrial Officers typically involve an alleged 1st, 4th, 5th, or 8th Amendment violation – commonly referred to as a Bivens action – or some other Constitutional tort arising out of a job action. FEDS Protection provides $1 million, $2 million, or $3 million in coverage for civil suits resulting from actions taken in the scope of your federal employment. You don’t have absolute immunity for personal capacity lawsuits like you do for lawsuits under the Federal Torts Claims Act (FTCA). A FEDS PLI policy will:

  • Appoint an attorney to defend in these personal capacity lawsuits when DOJ exercises its discretion not to defend you in the lawsuit.
  • Appoint coverage counsel to monitor DOJ’s defense of you, or if DOJ is on the fence as to whether it will defend, FEDS may hire coverage counsel to convince DOJ to provide the defense.


FEDS Protection pays for legal defense up to $200,000 for any disciplinary or judicial sanction proceeding, or administrative investigation arising out of any act, error, or omission while rendering a professional service. This includes OIG, OSC, EEO, Congressional, and OPR investigations and agency disciplinary proceedings that could result in a personnel action. The FEDS policy provides an attorney throughout the investigation and in the unfortunate event that there is a disciplinary action imposed.

Read more about the quality of legal representation FEDS Protection provides.


FEDS pays for legal defense up to $100,000 for any criminal proceeding or investigation into any act, error, or omission arising out of the course and scope of employment.


FEDS Protection is recommended over all other federal employee liability insurance providers by FPPOA and the other leading law enforcement associations.

  • Legal representation for civil matters is not capped by sub-limits. While all carriers will indemnify (in the case of a judgment) up to the limits of the policy, FEDS will not cap the defense at the administrative limits of the policy.
  • FEDS provides true LEOSA coverage. For more information about LEOSA and the role of probation and pretrial officers in the offering of coverage, read here.
  • Coverage is included for officers who are serving outside of CONUS or in other international posts of duties at no additional cost.
  • FEDS President and Founder is a former employee and attorney of a federal law enforcement agency who has continually demonstrated his understanding of and commitment to the federal law enforcement community.

Enrollment takes less than 5 minutes.

FEDS Protection is Affordable:

$1,000,000 Policy: $280* with discount code FPPOA

$2,000,000 Policy: $380* with discount code FPPOA

$3,000,000 Policy: $480* with discount code FPPOA


* Plus applicable taxes and administrative fees

Your FPPOA discount code can be applied at the time of payment.

Discount codes are not applicable for payroll deduction orders.



Questions? Call 866-955-FEDS or Contact Us Online


Probation officers are eligible for agency reimbursement up to 50% for a net cost of only $145 per year. Probation and pretrial officers are eligible for payroll deduction starting at just $12 per pay period.

Pretrial Officer reimbursement decisions are made at the local level – please contact your HR representative.

HR-218/LEOSA Coverage Available for Federal Law Enforcement Officers.

Have questions? Call us at 866.955.FEDS.

A division of StarWind Specialty